Marx's Theory of Revolutions

Marx's Theory of Revolutions

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

July 22 – July 9, 1917: The Government of Salvation

The Menshevik Dan, citing fears of a counter-revolutionary military dictatorship, offers a three-part resolution in the Central Executive Committee of the Soviets:

·         That the revolution is in danger.

·         That the Provisional Government is the “Salvation of the Revolution.”

·         That therefore this government should have “unlimited powers.”

It passed the Central Executive unanimously with only the Bolsheviks abstaining.

On this day, the summer offensive on the Rumanian Front began. Rumanian troops supported the Russian 4th Army in the attack, which had to be thrown back by a force of mixed nationalities commanded by the German General Mackensen. Meanwhile, the German counterattack on the Southwestern Front was already a “catastrophe” for the Russian 11th Army, according to its commissars. Its commander, General Kornilov, gave orders to shoot retreating troops.

A supplementary post follows this one in the chronological order.

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