Marx's Theory of Revolutions

Marx's Theory of Revolutions

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Stalin in Petrograd

One hundred years ago today, plus three, the capital of Petrograd had become open to socialists who had been imprisoned or in exile. Josef Stalin was among the first to arrive.

Read about it here. Or read the whole chapter on the Dual Power here. Or read the whole story from the beginning by following this link.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Under House Arrest

One hundred years ago today, plus three, Tsar Nicolas, having abdicated the week before, was placed under house arrest and held with his family in the Winter Palace. This rendered the February Revolution virtually complete, but left the power largely in the hands of the big bourgeoisie.

Read about it here. Or read the whole chapter on the February Revolution here.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Pravda in Publication

One hundred years ago today, plus three, the Executive Committee of the Soviet having given its approval, Pravda, the news organ of the Bolshevik party, publishes its first number of the February Revolution. Vyacheslav Molotov was among its first editors.

Read about it here. Or read the whole chapter on the February Revolution here.

Friday, March 13, 2020

Provisional Committee

One hundred years ago today, plus three, after the unrest spread from the workers to the soldiers of the Petrograd garrison, things began to look more like a revolution. The bourgeois liberal parties, sensing an opportunity, formed a provisional “committee” – not quite a government yet – that would operate alongside the soviet of the workers.

Read about it here. Or read the whole chapter on the February Revolution here.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

General Strike

One hundred years ago today, plus three, the strike in Petrograd that the women had started becomes general. Hungry and frustrated with the war, a quarter of a million proletarians walk off the job.

Read about it here. Or read the whole chapter on the February Revolution here.

Sunday, March 8, 2020

International Women’s Day: 1917

One hundred years ago today, plus three, female textile workers in Petrograd celebrated International Women’s Day by going on strike. Their action set off a chain of events that led to the formation of a provisional government and the abdication of the tsar – in other words, to the February Revolution. 

Read about it here. Or read the whole chapter on the February Revolution here.