Marx's Theory of Revolutions

Marx's Theory of Revolutions

Friday, November 18, 2011

The Slain

 [Composed October 26, 2011]

Gaddafi didn’t look any better dead than Hussein did when they caught him alive. Both cowards hiding in holes in the ground. Maybe they didn’t start out that way.
Which makes me wonder whether Mubarak is subject or will be sentenced to the death penalty.
It’s probably fortunate the world was spared the sight of the dead bin Laden. Not sure how many of his confederates were photographed. It’s a big success. The revolution will have to proceed without them. They were counter-revolutionaries one and all.
It hasn’t been a good season for Arab despots and ringleaders.

Who’s next? The people know.
They (not sure who) tried at Saleh and missed. He’s not likely to give them another chance.
My (metaphorical) money says the juvenile Bashar won’t live long enough to mature. But I wouldn’t bet any real money on it. He’s been doing better (growing?) as a counter-revolutionary lately.
The smartest one was Ben Ali, who left the country when he still had his life, his health…and his money.

And so, apart from royalty and aristocracy, the way has been largely cleared for democratic revolution in the Arab world – at least of the persons who stood in the way.

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