Marx's Theory of Revolutions

Marx's Theory of Revolutions

Friday, April 17, 2020

Lenin’s April Theses

One hundred years ago today, plus three, Lenin read out his April Theses to dumbstruck audiences at party headquarters. Even the Bolsheviks were dumbstruck at the steps Lenin proposed to turn the bourgeois February Revolution into a socialist one.

Read about it here. Or read the whole chapter on the April Theses here. Or read the story from the beginning by following this link.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

At the Finland Station

One hundred years ago today, plus three, Lenin is greeted with flowers when his train arrives at the Finland Station in a western suburb of Petrograd. His remarks on this occasion surprised even the Bolsheviks.

Read about it here. Or read the whole chapter on the April Theses here.

Or read the whole story from the beginning by following this link. Or finally, for the whole intellectual history of historical thinking that culminates with Lenin putting the theory of dialectical materialism into action beginning on this day, read To the Finland Station by Edmund Wilson.

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Lenin Entrains

One hundred years ago today, plus three, Lenin addressed an interesting problem: how to pass from Switzerland through the lands of one combatant, Germany, to those of its enemy, Russia. The solution was not free from controversy.

Read about it here. Or read the whole chapter on the Dual Power here. Or read the whole story from the beginning by following this link.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

The Menshevik Tseretilli

One hundred years ago today, plus three, a week after Stalin, the Menshevik Irakli Tseretilli arrived in Petrograd out of exile. He was to become influential in both the Soviet and the Provisional Government.

Read about it here. Or read the whole chapter on the Dual Power here. Or read the whole story from the beginning by following this link.