Marx's Theory of Revolutions

Marx's Theory of Revolutions

Monday, August 26, 2019

Kerensky’s State Conference

One hundred years ago yesterday, plus two, Prime Minister Kerensky convened a state conference in Moscow. It was political theater, in which he played the role of the indispensable man between the bourgeois Cadets on the right and the (uninvited) Bolsheviks on the left. Read about it here.

Or read the whole story from the beginning by following this link.

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Bolsheviks convene under a cloud

One hundred years ago today, plus two, even though Lenin was in hiding and Trotsky was in prison, the 6th Congress of the Bolshevik Party convened. What they did put the party on the path to recovery after the reverses it had suffered subsequent to the July Days. Read about it here.

Or read the whole story from the beginning by following this link.

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Kerensky’s Second Coalition

One hundred years ago today, plus two, Kerensky formed a new government, known to history as the Second Coalition, that included the bourgeois Cadets but excluded the Bolsheviks, some of whom got arrested instead. Read about it here.

Or read the whole story from the beginning by following this link.